Grimgrimoire guide
Grimgrimoire guide

What’s more is the nonsensical bits of the game that are never explained. There are just too many attempts at “We swear this character is going to turn out to be bad, but look! They’re not!” Or, “Oh this character is good, no they are evil! Ha ha! Just kidding, they are actually good!” Every character has some secret or ulterior motive and it gets annoying quickly, especially because of how bloody slow this game plays out. Sadly the game plays out like it was written by Vince Russo. The Archmage is about to kill Lillet when suddenly she travels back in time to the first night she arrives and find that she will repeatedly go back in time until she finds away to keep the tragedy from unfolding. She learns to cast some summoning spells and then the ghost of the evil Archmage whose castle was turned into the magic academy rises from its slumber and then slaughters everyone in the school slowly and gruesomely. She meets all sorts of teachers and students some she likes and some she doesn’t quite trust. While Lillet is at the school for five days. They might as well have named it the Vane Magical Academy. Lillet is a young girl who has been raising her little brothers all by herself and enrolled in the Silver Star Magic Academy in hopes of gaining skills that will allow her to support her family better. Dumbledore, Gammel Dore? Oh the lack of creativity and originality hurts. I mean the wise old leader of the Academy you play in is Gammel Dore. This game is basically a rip off of everything from Majora’s Mask to Groundhog Day with a good dose of near trademark infringing Harry Potter bits. The question is, did Grim Grimoire live up to its breeding, or did it fall to the Nippon Ichi USA curse? The last RTS I played was Goblin Commander on the Game Cube, so it seemed like a goods idea to go back and give this genre another try. In the end, I bit the bullet and decided to have an open mind when reviewing this game. Generally a company’s second game, especially if it is wildly different in genre sucks ass. As well, Grim Grimoire is the second game ever made by Vanillaware (Odin Sphere was released first in the US, but GG is actually older). They are so different that you can’t really compare them. The pedigree for Grim Grimoire is pretty strong.īack on the negative side of things, Grim Grimoire is a Real Time Strategy Game, while Odin Sphere is a more button mashing beat ’em up crossed with an action RPG. These are the same guys that made Odin Sphere and Princess Crown! Odin Sphere is almost certainly locked in as one of our five GOTY nominees for 2007, and Princess Crown was even better. Knowing this, you’d think I would have stayed clear of reviewing this game. Disgaea 2? Cute and fun! At Tonelico? Piss Poor. Case in point: Disgaea? Awesome? Atelier Iris? Medicore, Makai Kingdom? Fricking Bad Ass.

grimgrimoire guide

If it is one they brought over from Japan but they didn’t actually work on it, I will be bored with it at best, and have disdain for it at worst.

grimgrimoire guide

You know, you’d think after a few years of Nippon Ichi being a publisher in the US that I’d have learned on simple lesson: If it’s an NI developed game, I will really enjoy it.

Grimgrimoire guide